Apps for Efficient Remote Work

7 Apps to Make You More Efficient as a Remote Worker

Working from home can add some interesting challenges to your work life. Thankfully, there are a ton of tools and apps that can make you more productive as a remote worker. These are the top seven apps that can help you become more efficient.

Most of these apps are either completely free or have a free option, which makes them very accessible. Paid options are noted.

Time Tracker

I started using a time tracker fairly recently. It has allowed me to gain a lot of insight into my business. I can see how much time I spend on each task. This is very helpful to see how much billable vs. unbillable time I put into my business.

There are many time trackers available both online and as a phone app. I’ve found it’s very helpful to use one that has both automatic and manual time tracking. I also like being able to break projects down into different tasks. For example, I make projects for each client, then track tasks such as research, writing, communication. I enjoy being able to compare each of these aspects of my business over time and between projects.

I use Toggl. It has all the features I want. Plus, it’s available on both my phone and computer. Choose one that works for you!

Time Management

Similar to time trackers are apps that help you manage your time. In essence, these help you focus more by helping you continuously work for a set time.

TomatoTimer is a web app that works on the Pomodoro system. You set a 25 minute work period, followed by a 5-minute break. It is very simple and easy to use. There are also phone apps that offer a similar service.

Forest is similar, except it doesn’t give you a set focus time. Instead, the longer you don’t use your phone, the taller your tree in the app grows. It turns focusing into a fun little game. Forest is also nice because you can choose apps that you need when you are focused and you can track the time you spend on your phone. It combines a few helpful features into one app.

Ambient Sounds

I prefer to listen to something while I work. But, I’ve found that when I really need to focus, listening to music (with words) can be distracting.

I like to use Tide as a solution to this. Instead of music, it plays focusing sounds such as rain, forest sounds, or a coffee shop. Bonus: Tide can also be used to help you meditate or sleep easier.

Noisli also offers ambient sounds to help you focus or relax. Since it is a paid app ($1.99 on Google Play), it does offer a few extra features. For example, you can set a time to focus (and essentially combine it with a tomato timer). Sounds are also available offline and you can save your favorite combos.

Integration Tools

Integration tools like Zapier can help increase your productivity by taking out all the little steps you deal with.

It works by connecting the tools you already use. For example, Zapier can send a message to Slack whenever you get a new message in Gmail. It helps streamline your work process so that you don’t spend so much time on the repetitive stuff.

Project Management

I find a project management tool to be incredibly valuable. It allows you to organize your projects and tasks so you always know exactly what you need to do. As a bonus, many of these tools allow you to share your projects with other team members.

I personally use Trello, which uses Kanban boards. I’ve found that this suits my style of work best.

I’ve also tried Asana and Todoist. Although they were not the best options for me, they have a ton of valuable features. Many people prefer these. Check each out and see what works best for you.

Distraction Blockers

There are times when you can’t have distractions while you’re working. But, our computers can be full of potential distractions. There are some tools that can help you get rid of these.

Ommwriter provides a distraction-free space to write. It creates an environment including a natural background, focus-based audio, and typing sounds to increase your inspiration. Ommwriter also blocks notifications from other websites. Together, you should be able to write more productively. Ommwriter isn’t free. Instead, they ask you to set your price (with a minimum).

Coldturkey isn’t specifically for writing; it’s a general use tool. Instead, it blocks other websites and apps that may distract you from your work. You can choose to block specific websites, the entire internet, or even your entire computer.

Mind Mapping

I’ve only started using a mind mapping tool very recently. (I usually hand write ideas.) But, I’ve found a mind mapping tool like MindMeister can help increase my productivity.

MindMeister allows you to create mind maps to work out your ideas. I love using it to brainstorm content ideas.

The super helpful thing is the extra features that wouldn’t be possible with a pen and paper mind map. These include the ability to attach documents, pictures, and links and the ability to collaborate with others on a mind map. Plus, you can even turn your mind map into a to-do list.

Over to You

These apps make working remotely a lot easier and more productive. What tools do you plan to try out?

Photo by Marc Mintel on Unsplash

Apps to Make Your More Efficient as a Remote Worker

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